Quran Prophecy of 19 a Mathematical Miracle
thursd, march 21st, 1975d sinds ..
k147, SEHand, 15Solar
Ultimate Mathematics and Miracle 19 of the Quran -Tape #15- Religion Whistleblower
Religion WhistleBlower
Published on Dec 10, 2014
You are going to witness some hidden secret in the Arabic Quran called "Hikma", which you have never heard before.
In order to study the Arabic Quran you must learn the Arabic language as the Almighty Allah has been repeated 12 times in His Book. Here are the verses from the Arabic Quran if you want to find the only name for the Religion of Allah: (4:125; 2:130; 6:84-90; 2:136-285; 3:84-85; 3:179). Here are the verses that permits you to study the Arabic Quran (3:42; 5:41; 26:89; 37:84; 56:79; 98:2) and if you have qualification of these verses then you are able to understand the secret knowledge of the Arabic Quran called "Hikma" (2:269). Now we have the scientifically proven scripture, "The Untouched Message of the Almighty Creator" supported by mathematics, the exact science. There are 1500 pages of scientific reports available on mathematical miracles of the Arabic Quran, based on number 19, the hidden secret of the Quran, and the Ultimate mathematics of the Arabic Quran based on prime numbers, composites, twin primes, Gaussian primes, and so on plus 2.6 million websites. For newest "Hikma" you may click here: http://www.religionwhistleblower.com/...
Arabic Quran: http://www.religionwhistleblower.com/...
You must know that the Arabic Quran came down for all the people in the world. Quran does not have anything to do with those who came up with this fake and false Religion called Islam. Make sure do not get fooled by them. That is why they have been cursed and suffering all over the world.
note yesterdays 'ds' number was a very pivotal one in khalifa's life (it made him believe he was written into it, the kin number sticks to more liminal hintage i guess and what can you expect if you take gestation as a norm for everything .... bit of an anthropocentrizzum itself innit? and aren't i fulminating against implications of that as much as against those of literacy?????), and so, .. some quirky english tin honour of turfie turfie tally tally ho ho ho:
Ultimate Mathematics and Miracle 19 of the Quran -Tape #15- Religion Whistleblower
Religion WhistleBlower
3 years ago (edited)
I see that you want to learn, that is a good news for me. When ever we stop learning that would be the time of our address change . . .
If you do not study the Arabic Ghor-on you would never ever get any Hikmat. If you study the Arabic Ghor-on you would find out that none of the followers of those messengers made it at the end. Except Youness. Moo-saw condemned his people and left them with his brother, E-saw and Dawwod cursed their people, Nooh, Ebrahim, . . .
Do you know why? Because Allah choses the believers from among the pure ones and polluted ones (3:179). Therefore, you are sitting and praying with people who are pure and also they polluted, but you do not know them.
Now your job through your life time is to find out from the Arabic Ghor-on that why followers of the messengers will not make it at the end. And also to recognize who are the polluted ones, and pure ones around you. If you find the answer to these questions then you would be saved at the end.
Do not let that link fools you. You are not going to enter Heaven with math. Your test is Allah's Arabic Ghor-on. That is your passport to Heaven. When people take a wrong step the Almighty guides them to that path. There is no word of "Authorized Translation" in the Arabic Ghor-on. The Almighty Allah does not go against His law.
Dr. Khalifa's job was only and only to deliver the mathematical miracle in the Arabic Ghor-on. As you know English Ghor-on does not have any mathematical confirmation. That is why Allah says,
"We did not sent it down to you "the Ghor-on" in order to put you in difficulties" (20:2).
Thanks to the Almighty Allah, I just received this Hikmat as I am writing. Sobhan Allah!
Allah say, "I sent you the Arabic Ghor-on in order to use your brain."
But, we love to reject this awesome commandment, and instead we like to use some else's brain, and read his translation.
That is why Allah does not allow his so called followers to understand the awesome Ultimate mathematics of the Arabic Ghor-on. Just like other people in the world who are not able to understand miracle 19.
It seems like you are not familiar with Ultimate mathematics of the Arabic Ghor-on came down few years after Dr. Khalifa.
IMPORTANT: When ever you had time read the link that I sent you for few times. In there you would find all of your answers to your questions. Here again:
early vid by "The Warner" at [yet] another account [372nd annd latest subber for now). He grew critical of Khalifa and even 19 theories in later years (as usual, most Cs complaint about the classical music piece used .. but there's only 11 of them)
Quran Prophecy of 19 a Mathematical Miracle
Harris Helmi
Published on Aug 5, 2013
"Numbers rule the Universe." - Pythagoreans (530-510 B.C.)
"God ever geometrizes." - Plato (429-348 B.C.)
"Nature's great book is written in mathematical symbols." - Galileo (1564-1642)
"The life of God is mathematics. Pure mathematics is religion." (Novalis (1772-1801)
"God ever arithmetizes." - Jacobi (1804-1851)
"God made the integers; all the rest is the work of man." - Kronecker (1823-1891)
The Great Prophecy of 19 - God knew that we were going to arrive at this critical point of intelligence in our lives and therefore He composed an
"Earth-Shattering, Simple-to-Understand-but-impossible-to-imitate"
Mathematical composition not only to prove His existence, but challenges the greatest mathematicians on earth and stumps them. It is, far beyond human capabilities.
This mathematical composition is the Quran.
[55:1] The Most Gracious.
[55:2] Teacher of the Quran.
[55:3] Creator of the human beings.
[55:4] He taught them how to distinguish.
Every Believer Needs Assurance, including Abraham, the founder of Monotheism.
[2:260] Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how You revive the dead." He said, "Do you not believe?" He said, "Yes, but I wish to REASSURE my heart." He said, "Take four birds, study their marks, place a piece of each bird on top of a hill, then call them to you. They will come to you in a hurry. You should know that God is Almighty, Most Wise."
[74:31]....number (19) (1) to disturb the disbelievers, (2) to convince the Christians and Jews (that this is a divine scripture), (3) to strengthen the faith of the faithful, (4) to remove all traces of doubt from the hearts of Christians, Jews, as well as the believers, and (5) to expose those who harbor doubt in their hearts, and the disbelievers; they will say, "What did God mean by this allegory?" God thus sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is a reminder for the people.
[74:35] This is one of the great miracles.
Abeeb bin As Sodiq
Abeeb bin As Sodiq
3 years ago
salam alaykum.... brova..
Jazak Allah kairan...
buh where's the rest of this video??? it stopped wen i was beggining to pick an enlightenment
my reply:
search for 'The Warner' .. he got very sophisticated at making vids in later years but i 'belieb' he not only grew critical of Khalifa but even of 19 significance ... though not sure if he also lost faith in the off the fucking walled off planet harebrainglitch that not only can maths get you closer to god but it's your best plan to have the latter meet you halfway .. or some such fareshare cleaverybelievery
first draft:
search for 'The Warner' .. he got very sophisticated at making vids (using lots of colour, which i am partial to [[though trying to pare it back in order to give my .. 'others' a chance to catch up ... and these days i get reported to the police if i s{up}port co[[[lourful con]]]ntact anyways so normie mum is The Word From{m} God for Me Now]] in later years, his latest vid is months old by now. He grew critical of Khalifa and even 19 theories more than a year ago.
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