Tiffany Poon 10yo plays Bach 1735
ja-- k--
Drew lists 70 iterations of a Bach piece:
Drew, if any man can sleuth my quandary into the clear it's you
Absolutely brilliant How can it be more perfect for this moment Thank you
i'm on the fifth of them now and already bored enough to shift into
1.75 ... must be the prednison which is just a plain old testosterone
booster ... such a mannyman now .... hell, i'm swinging bricks
overhead and circle them as if i need to clean 40 years of dirt of my
skylites or sumthin
179 Prime key, reverse of 971, 971 – 179 = 792 = 11 x 72, vigesimal 8.19
29th order of 7
197 Prime key = reverse of 791 (113 x 7, Lord of the Dawn, power of creation) 791-197 = 594= 11 x 54, vigesimal code 9.17 code of Lunar Earth, Book of the Fourth Lost Generation, Book of the Initiation
Maya: The Magical Practice of Reality
Posted on 30 October, 2021 Yellow Galactic Sun: Kin 60 “I harmonize in order to enlighten … “
The more we awaken to the Reality of our current global situation, the more overwhelmed we can feel. There are those beings, both on and off planet, who are radically against the work of divine evolution and do everything possible to thwart it.
We have to prepare ourselves psychologically and emotionally for the next scenes of the earth movie. All we can control is our inner perceptions and states of consciousness. We are being called to operate from a whole other level of Being.
Now is the time to invoke the Higher Magic. Here is an ancient-future memory put forth in an unpublished document by Valum Votan called Maya: Magical Practice of Reality.
It reminds us that Reality is not a given but must be practiced into what it becomes. May it tap your memory circuits.
“Now is the account of the Galactic Maya from within the Earth.
my fave, hands down
Tiffany Poon [10] plays the 1735 Bach piece
This is no mystery, for synchronicity is the law of the Earth, the expression of the Earth force. Only deluded beings of the later age, the night of Smokey Mirror, disbelieve this, and so wander in a maze of doubt, hatred, and senseless passion.
'sungrownewcity'? .. Naaaaah ... let's just listen to me for once and start teaching 'tree crops' to a widey audience ...
bonus for dutch speakers:
70th vid in the Bach list:
Vox: Birds don't have Relative Pitch despite having Music Vocal Learning: Dr. Manfred Euler Yuan Qi
Jun 28, 2021
Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
your voice is drowned the 6th minute .....
i posted the numonoolog[is]sy .. dah numonooleegoo .. as in zhou .. very wet n soft rock stinkkeys black keys yet .. just divine grey compromisery bout to be demisered
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