Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Passover Songs and FBI miscarryin on

can you write me a song about semitocriticality?
i just listened to feisty righties for 4 hours and since they say a lot about Atlanta, i'd love to hear your take on it.... Not quite expecting you will tho .... but your 'shebrew' gurguls are good ambiance to carry this off my chest and onto the list i called 'vids w my blogspotted comments 2'
Strike & Mike 154 [did the 4th [last] hour around 11am 30th .. a little before that we hear about yoshi silverstein who has a cantonese mom and writes in AS in Haaretz - Enoch: "they need jews that look chinese, i know it sounds stupid" 2h52m].

What stands out tho is the FBI raid on the hom of a much decorated vet who visited the white house on the DAY OF PROTEST OVER 'CORDON SANITIZING' TRUMPIC TOXICITY 6th of januari DEMONSTRATIVELY ENOUGH TO BE NOTICED and subsequent miscarriage of his baby [next day] .. this might be the extra satanism that accounts for dwnld number increase by a factor of 4x the usual 3 or 4 thousand
82.6 MB
2021-03-23 22:37:46
11367 dwnlds in 5 days ?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Zembla zinkt dieper in de journalabthiek

7:01 -- Deskundigen waarschuwen voor radicaal-rechtse bewegingen in Nederland -- Zembla -- 1.7K views --- 5 hours ago
ZEMBLA gaat zoveel verder dan bijvoorbeeld OVT, dat bekende labels niet passen, ik hou het voorlopig op 'abthiek'. Ik bedoel, relgif is relgif, ook in linkse handen. Heeft nl-slinks respect voor Lara Logan? Proberen maar: bitchute.com/video/TO14igU9Fpy7/
Bolshies at the precious, manicured and polished boogiegates - al4ki - 90Vs in 2 months

Monday, March 08, 2021

Majd 2020: young Syrian volunteers planting one million trees