Pastorius & Colombier / Dreamland
Alweer een poging to virtuoos balanceren tussen eenmalig en algemeen. Ik promotiveer reeds jarenlang alle af-, in-, opgeschermden om dusdanig (digitaal) met hun perikelen te prijken .. . en slaag er maar niet in om deze 'be- en verscherming', het schemer en schim gebod ... eh .. gebied van vinger(vlugheden)wijzingwereld eindelijk eens voldoende tot middel voor een permaculturele oplev(er)ing kan gaan dienen
your attempt at fooling listeners / viewers into believing you are [being good at] offering an impartial, wide lense n broad/long take doesn't work on me; here's examples of what's missing (though it doesn't apply to exceptionality ratings of the early stages). All from last year:
wedn, 26th of july - k64, crystal seed, 1mag ... to .... 16th of august ... from toxed to the very gender [forthcoming]
mond 2nd of jan - k119, lunar storm, 21st
paused a jenny vid to pen this:
nothing like a toxin to conjure up the 'hi-testiq' bravado .. death
defying gutspa gotspe .. wether it be hairdye of docsdox .. it simply brings
out the faulmouth scolds that cannot for the threatened life of them sing
the praises of organic life or the wonders of drill down tec as ledgerism
boyle) and 0 redundancy max diversity potential - for the infinite
inform inflow to our finite and unduely overformalized form our existence
takes and lasts for - as referred by Lanier and the other guy i forget
until i make a foray through my HD storestacks, attest.
a younower dying her hair live began swearing her head off after being
warned about the toxicity to the point i jumped in and said
you might as well have a taste of the stuff, it's gone to your head
have a swig, it's not gonna make matters worse once it's gotten into
your head.
YouTube #PizzaGate Censorship - Reality Calls Channel Banned for 3 months --- End Times News Reportdavid seaman's paypal is blocked .. he's been using it since 05
14m 221 views - 1 hour ago
wedn 4th of jan, -- k121, SE dragon, 23rd
Rocks-to-Earth-SPInner - Sep 5, 2016
Red detachment of women -- watch?v=ZHTPcs3lQPU
true communist words ... none such good panderers to rotten rothchildian
philanderers -- after a block i 'add': the. comment. sections. are. not.
yours. you. f[r]ee. speech. '[pl]excerseizers'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps: after such hardhitting truth you may go and recover, be duely flattered
and pandered to in your own rite here:
456 qsn repies: Please check "Chen Yong Lin"
theweleit on flintenweiber .. bolsh army had a rearguard ordered to
shoot those of their own people falling behind the rest
Male Fantasies. Minneapolis: UofMn Press, 1987; Polity Press, 1987.
a decade afte the original in german
Published here with permission by the author, Klaus Theweleit (Hamburg, Ü&G, 18. 01. 2010)
i'll try again, ... A digital acquaintance of 10 years briefly offered
long distance healing meditations (he's a 'leglocker',
lotus posish qi gong) before taking a menial job in an industrial
recycling plant again ..
in my last attempt to alert you to his offer --
-- i pasted my first notes on him .. but the comment may be in your spambox
due to the linknumber ... it did allot a comment number so i was suprised
i didn't see it ..
.. anyway, .. he happened to write what i call
Drew's most honest post in a decade (qigong
captured by commerce) just the other day: January 1, 2017
- Prosperity Gospel and Qigong: spirituality captured by the New Age
freit, 6th of jan --- k123, rhythmic nite,
25th rhythmic
?????????? you bunch of sick !!SIKC!! refEUgitive refEUgiveits ...
why don't try to 'discuss' toxicity?? All you'll manage is lie your heritage
and hosts off some more, NO doubt ... frucking horror creatures.
they lost their own frucking horror creaturelliness .. exactly my point
had to reverse my like .. things are getting kinda 'verbeten en grimmig' out there
#TEXAS Transgender bathroom law costs state 100,000 jobs and $8 Billion in boycotts
mond, 15th of may = k252, Overtone human, 13spectral
Roos Flikker, tiringly exuberant, bipolar mom, writes about suburban
pedophile 'house, tree, beast' (play on the expression
denoting quotidian homesteadlike lifestyles: 'house, tree, animal')
squaks: "potential pedophile" in the nightradio program from 2-5am .. and i immediately think of the chimp/bonobo contrast, the one never merely a potential and the other never nothing but a potent one on the pedophile 'mark[et]'.
She writes for the feminine Mag Linda and had a stillbirth, .. grew up behind a pinballmachine .... her host has a bobprob (ionandbob ref to 'boastscreechage') .... he dribbles Amergin sentiment for plausible deniability, something Bob is known to do also ..... a PRETEND purge of their own vices turned into a very REAL demise of targets that actually guarantees prolongation and repeat .. a serial continuation of those very vices.
spring13 | Narrated by Gary Furlong
Foreplay, oral sex, homosexuality and masturbation - what Darwinian purpose do they serve? Bonobos, our closest animal relative, also exhibit all of these behaviours. Writing in Lapham's Quarterly, Jack Hitt suggests that this sex drive may have been one of the key evolutionary developments that set us apart as a species.
she wears white wings at an outdoor do
Judith Butler pontificates about queering patriarchy & bores the sh*t out of everyone - 3 months ago -- 2,000 views
Judith Butler is a boring charlatan.
Excellent critiques of Butler from a feminist perspective:
The Professor of Parody by Martha Nussbaum (a must read)
Mary Daly May 15, 1980 == AaHA7WXxYIo
.. got the pdf
frid, 14th of muly --- k52, cosm human, 18cosmic
TERFs, Non-Binary, and S-E-X -- lacigreen
she's got only 2 guests (besides chat)
i couldn't stand any more than 46m before having to say this:
very early on you go off the rails and exclude yourselves from critiqueing
violence more meaningfully than restricting yourselves to the sissyforms.
To be precise, from the moment you fail to complete the halfequation: 'end
male violence' with 'and male on male violence, wether in service of matrix
or patrix; both need retracing where exactly force application began to
result in scarcity instead of abundance.
I mean, how can you just imply that matrisms are too pure, noble, gentle
and above it all, to ever fall for the perhaps reactionary mimicry of fighting
fire with fire and commit border maintenance as often and wherever needed,
like any other protective measure? Lame.
wedn, 26th of july - k64, crystal seed, 1mag
Talking Crash Override, Betsy Devos and Lauren Southern with Ashe
Schow | Fireside Chat 63 ..... a defense for falsely accused
men bulwark ..... i've been offering the cure for 'men commiting crass
crush oversight' since 1996, year of my first website, a playlist called
'my crushing passion' came about in the early teens (alas,
my 'oversite' is not an 'insite' joke here .. cause / if comments to you
lot aren't followed closely enough .. i am well aware of the dilution deluge
to which even, and perhaps especially, highest ethical content is not immune).
a note on PREHOMINIZATION CYCLES OF STARVATION AND SATIETY ... CLIMAX CLIMATES AND ICEAGES .. adressing a primary version of the victim status, state and stage theatrix in 'pre personalized' gestation as it were .. runnin up to the run down and being put n slap down by the clownflippurse .... waaaaaaaaay 'ahead' of 'removes', 'remotations', delegations and the like.
Toxicity is responsible for the effeminitosis .. rampant .. brimmin
& frothin over the reaches and edges of duh law itself,
* = toxilution', a tactic of maffiose slib processing corpsies in canadian
metropoli (toxicity dilution, 'blessing' farmers
with something disguised as compost, poison [see
the 'pefas' discussion in the EU anno 2019]
disguised with 'biosolid' labels, rearview mirrorphun in the land of McLuhan)
dilute 'toxsludge', gain 'biosolid' status .. and you thought toxic credit rackets were bad?
1 =+538 comments and therefore best of the lot though i don't know how strong they were censored or if at all ...
2 = two pages from 2001:
The case against land application of sewage sludge pathogens
3 =
When the Sewage Sludge Hits the Farm Fields
October 10, 2012 -- by Delores Broten
4 =
The Real Dirt on Sewage Sludge
by Wendy Priesnitz
5 =
mond, aug 7th,
"How Would Men Like The Roles Reversed" Crap! -- SugarTits
that ball/tit matching you do around the 7m mark has cultural consequences
in a tiny but really matrist japanese diving culture (water
so cold the 'sackpiens' spared it; more details at ..
not to be missed, specially if you like mermaid yarns)
12th of agust
[commentary mirror] Kristi Winters vs Distributist Debate: The Sexual
Revolution -- FriendEd --- 879 views - Streamed live 22 hours ago
debate link:
16th of august
Meghan Murphy on hi-tec disgenderphoria w DJ
if not even guys like you can thematize the fact that 'genderiftery'
is caused by the hormone disruption distributed and partaken of via the
maffiose ruse of waste 'diswomanagement' (mixing
hi-tox varieties to dilute and thus make 'marketabilize' them, with compost
of all things, diabolically enough) and frothing all the way
up to high courts and Uni life in places like Canada, who can? I think
James Corbett has in the past but he aint exactly the paragon of radicalgreenism
we need to contrast with and 'core act', implement/return to, instead of,
said 'thanatopraxis'
from today:
+35 ::::: November 23, 2020 at 7:52 pm GMT • 4.4 days ago • 300 Words ------- Chris Moore says: Howard’s research shows that references to breaking down gender in Jewish circles go back to the 14th century, almost hundreds of years years before Martha Baer, a B’nai B’rith member in Germany, became the world’s first “sex-change” operation recipient… Magnus Hirschfeld is generally credited with creating the ideological rationale for “Trans” and “queerness” more broadly, but it was a Hirschfeld adept named Henry Gerber who imported the bizarre doctrine to the United States via “The Society for Human Rights” in Chicago… Disagreeing with the concept of transgenderism or what the gender ideology does to those who subscribe to it is forbidden in American society. Howard explains the mechanism for this censorship, listing the small group of wealthy people — most of them Jews — who have created carrots and sticks in academia, the press and the culture at large for aspiring professionals to defy their own two eyes and embrace the 21st century’s Lysenkoist crusade. --------- The practice of Judaism in the modern (A.D. world) leads to mental illness, maybe it is mental illness, and “tolerance” for the Jews leads to them spreading that mental illness to the larger society. They’ve spread it to Christians, they’ve spread it to liberals, they’ve spread it to leftists, they’re even trying to spread it in the Mideast via endless war. ---- Misery loves company, I guess, and because they’ve so much money as a result of their insane skullduggery, their organized grifting, and their moneychanger skills, Western belly-crawlers pretend they’re sane, and nod along with the insanity until they themselves go insane.
points to Eric's piece
Posted on 2020/11/25 --- New Book Exposes History and Money Behind The Transgender Lobby --- Eric Striker in Abeldanger.Blogspot
Frank W Brown: Of course THEY won't tell them that they will join an up to 65% SUICIDE rate for those who COMPLETE the surgical transition! SAD!
steve: That study you linked in no way said that people who are transgender have "merely a type of aggressive autism with psychiatric co-morbidities such as schizophrenia."
The link itself said that based on the study, transgender people are 3 to 6 times more likely to have autism. This would make (based on the U.K.'s rate of autism of 1.1% of the population), only 3.3%-6.6% of transgender people also on the autism spectrum
by John Q. Publius - 11 comments
5 2 year old bits:
Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender ...
Loren Schecter is the author of the first surgical atlas for transgender surgery, author of pro-trans journals, was awarded for legal advocacy of transgenders, performs reconstructive surgeries ...
The Transgender-Industrial Complex | GayPatriot
The Transgender-Industrial Complex. February 20, 2018 by V the K. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? The first gender clinic for children opened in Boston in 2007. In the past ten years, more than 30 clinics for children with purported gender dysphoria have arisen in the United States alone, the largest serving 725 patients.
Margot Cleveland and Hasson cited by Rob Dreher in 'The Trans Teen Industrial Complex'
By Mary Rice Hasson - 2018 also .. Ethics and Public Policy Center | 1730 M Street NW Suite 910 Washington
The Open Society Foundations & the transgender movement
Posted on May 25, 2018 - by Michael Biggs
w bibliography citing stuff like this:
Williamson, Kevin D. 2018. “An Epidemic of Dishonesty on the Right.” National Review, Feb. 22.
12 YEARS OLD .. 2008 -
The Nonprofit Industrial Complex and Trans Resistance
Rickke Mananzala, Dean Spade
Abstract: Trans politics are gaining visibility and momentum and, increasingly, trans activists are form-
ing projects and organizations focused on promoting political change. Given this context, this article
examines how critiques of the nonprofit industrial complex might be incorporated into trans political
analysis and how they could inform this moment of trans political institutionalization. Taking tools and
lessons from antiracist and feminist scholars and activists and recognizing widespread critique of the
co-optation of the lesbian and gay rights movement by neoliberalism, this article highlights alternatives
to traditional nonprofit structures. The authors provide an in-depth look at 1 trans organization that
employs a collective governance model and encourages the lea
w bitchute and chatbot
Turning Western Civilization into Babylon, Transgenders in the Military and Jeremiah 51:30-32
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Jana Ben-Nun has also been exposing the agenda to promote androgeny and corrupt humanity, both mentally and genetically. She has been unfairly attacked for telling the truth, which she did in the video shown here:
Rick Wiles and his guest, Jana Ben-Nun, report that Jews are using the transgender rights movement to make all of humanity androgynous.
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) February 14, 2020
TruNews: Zionism Is Using the Transgender Rights Movement to Make All of Humanity Androgynous
Kyle MantylaBy Kyle Mantyla | February 14, 2020 11:03 am
By Joanna Ware
Four Questions about LGBTQ Liberation,, March 2017
Secular is Not the New Queer, Op-Ed, E-Jewish Philanthropy, April 2016
Keep Loving, Keep Fighting: Reflections after Thanksgiving, Jewish Women's Archive, November 2014
Transgender 101, Keshet, November 2014
I Reach for Words, Jewish Women's Archive, April 2013
Five Things That Make Us Go "Ummm", Keshet, August 2012
TRANSGENDER 101 By Joanna Ware
What you need to know to be welcoming and inclusive.
| October 11, 2017
Read some of the incredible pieces on our blog, by writers like Emily Aviva, Duncan, Rafi, Simcha, Y.C., Becky, Taan, and Micah. Listen to Keshet Board Member Joy Ladin’s incredible interview on Gender and the Syntax of Being. (And then hurry to your local independent bookstore to buy her books!) Check out TransTorah and their fabulous resources, including Trans Etiquette/Support/Respect 101 by Micah Bazant and Making Your Jewish Community Transgender Friendly by Rabbi Elliot Kukla and Rabbi Rueben Zellman.
ik voel een vreselijk sterke verleiding om een toch al onfatsoenlijk hoog nummertje te trekken en geduldig mijn beurt af te wachten op een 'binnenkansje' nog een paar standjes steviger dan voorheen op hilversum te gaan schelden maar die gelegenheid heb ik meermaals dagelijks ... en eergister nog heb ik me als volgt op een oosterijks videootje beklaagd:
TV in Oestereich:
Damitha -- wien erholt sich langsam
erinnert euch, vor monate berichtete ich von biowaffen aspekte im spiel. Davon gibt's immer zu wenig in den augen der vermehrer .. aber schau, kommt nit ein unheiliger bund mit medialer gewalt daher? opium kriege raecher freuen sich der mittels einfachster krisis schauspieler, krisis krankenhaus bau arbeiter etcetera, diese vermannigfalt auch sehr, die verschiedenste Banden mit des westens schlimmstes im angebot zusammenschwoerende transnationalisten aber um so mehr. Die Bidens Russenhasser, Afrikaverpester, Amerika putscher (grad laueft eins, toten die auf einmal auf toedliches zu stimmen im auferstande sind, etcetera), George Webb reiht sie alle auf u zusammen, nur das obenerwaehntes laesst er gar nit gelten ... zu nah an die sinozio beziehungen wahrscheinlich. Die sind aber hier in holland ganz schoen frech. ein hasbara hollywood hilversum linien prominenz Ian Buruma, sagt eiskalt im radio heute, der 4. november aus amerika berichtend, dass die ganzen brandkrawallen von vergangenen monaten Trump zugeschrieben werden muessen und von rechts kamen. Vielleicht fuehlen solche umdeut undeutLeut sich dabei prophetisch .. und wenn's dann tatsaechlich so weit, wegen genau solchen luegen, kommt, endlich, werden sie schreien: 'haben wir euch nit schon laengst gewarnt? warum hoert ihr denn nit auf uns? Hinter hohen mauern schmeissen und als die echten covidioten behandeln ... in palestina die rollen umdrehen, mauer steht schon.