Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Ashley Frawley

Ashley Frawley on the UK Election and Labour's Defeat
10K views - Dec 13, 2019 - 366:26 - Zero Books

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Robert Graves - 2014 - ‎Fiction
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"judith stemps" mcluhan
15:48 judith stems stemps stamps
23.23 ion bob

Unthinking Modernity: Innis, McLuhan, and the Frankfurt ...
In Unthinking Modernity, Judith Stamps reinterprets the communications theory of Harold Innis and Marshall McLuhan as a Canadian variant of the critical theory associated with the early Frankfurt school. Stamps argues that Innis and McLuhan used their studies
Judith Stamps holds a doctorate in political theory from the University of Toronto, and has taught political science at the University of Victoria. She is author of Unthinking Modernity: Innis, McLuhan and the Frankfurt School, as well as numerous journal articles and letters to the editor. From 2013-2018, she served as editor of Cannabis Digest, and wrote weekly blogs for Cannabis Digest Blogs.
Cameron McEwen
Stamps on Havelock and McLuhan

Unthinking Modernity: Innis, McLuhan, and the Frankfurt School by Judith Stamps (1995):

McLuhan had not read Havelock at the time of writing The Gutenberg Galaxy… (129)

Since McLuhan referred to Havelock’s 1951 Crucifixion of Intellectual Man a decade before The Gutenberg Galaxy, this is clearly false. And there is much indirect evidence indicating that he read Havelock’s 1946-1947 essay in Phoenix, as well as his 1948 review in UTQ, as they appeared.

But Stamps seems to have used ‘McLuhan had not read Havelock’ here as a stand-in for ‘McLuhan had not read Havelock’s 1963 Preface to Plato‘ which, in reference to the 1962 publication of The Gutenberg Galaxy, is vacuously true.
This entry was posted in Havelock on August 20, 2016.

 Unthinking Modernity: Innis, McLuhan, and the Frankfurt School
Judith Stamps
This comparison of European and Canadian political thought, reinterprets the communications theory of Harold Innis and Marshall McLuhan as a Canadian variant of the critical theory associated with the early Frankfurt school. Stamps argues that Innis and McLuhan worked towards a theory of how westerners have developed classifications through which they perceive the world. Moreover, he shows that they used insights derived from their North American experience to add a new media-based perspective to such a theory.
200 pages


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