Friday, December 27, 2019

#Killstream (MIRROR): Cassandra Fairbanks Live, Kevin Spacey Coincidence...

don't miss if Assange means anything to you ...

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Independence Day: Neo-Fascists Take Finland (2015)

3.5K views - Aug 20, 2016 --- 21:102 - ANTIFAxFINLAND
2.59K subscribers
Max Blumenthal and James Kleinfeld speak to far-right activists in Finland.

Featuring: Terhi Kiemunki (1:59), Marco de Wit (2:15), Sebastian Tynkkynen (2:26), Open Gates/Donald Trump (3:44), Junes Lokka (4:12), Li Andersson (7:34), Stormheit (9:25), Suomen vastarintaliike, 612, Timo Hännikäinen (10:06), Jussi Halla-aho (13:24), Teuvo Hakkarainen (13:30), James Hirvisaari (13:52), Jari Laine (16:30).

Filmed on December 6th, 2015 in Helsinki at Kansalaistori at the "Itsenäinen Suomi" (Independent Finland) rally and in Töölö at the "612-soihtukulkue" (torch parade).

Lokka says  the darkies are "17x more often" rapists than whites
there's a good recent discussion between a skeptic [l'Hypocrite'] and an sjw data masseur about a parallel problem here:
SJW Debate: Transsexual Sex Offenders & You

earlier this week (first of december):
a much longer version was posted under a RamzPaul video (he has a finnish cohost) but no reply thus far ....

 alarjak  he's a recovering cuck at best for sure ... but his progress is promising (no pun intended, .. or wait, make that a double ...
... you see, .. when he says [end 19th minute] "nazi germany" he is committing one of the worst YET/AND most common conflation crimes that seems hellbent on clinging to it's 'validity' for at least a century, namely that of nazis and germans [the former hijacked, scapegoated and sacrificed the latter on scales hitherto impossible, ... and STILL!!!!! keep the remainder in servitude [held hostage as lightnin rods and milking cows, etc] to this day!!!!! while pretending to protect and lead them ... cause in the end they went for 'hybridity [of 'hebrewity'] to the max' [pun untended?] iow, nazis overwhelmed by the bullies amongst their own brood became zionists).
nobody ever said THE NAZI TOP WAS ZIONIST FROM GETGO as far as i know but i think that's an hypothesis worth testing .. some day .... once a more stalwart flavor of 'honesty in history' stops being suppressed, denigrated, humiliated, hindered, defunded, prosecuted, sentenced .......

A rift between people and their leaders??? oh no ... who knew??????? Evo Morales lifted out of his function by an aggro minority with ties to international greedocrat??????
What is a nation???????? The set of institution that can cohere, coordinate and cooperate enough to provide full immunity against ouside capital.

Nazis instrumentalized germans to their own ends ... study the Hitler trajectory very very closely and see if he isn't the father of the Transfer Agreement, hence israel ... and find out if allied targetting of waterclearance plants isn't responsible for concentration camp [typhus / wasting] death spikes as well those around them ... mere aftershocks of the true holocaust unleashed on Dresden (full of the jewbrand refugee nobody wanted btw) while you're at it ....