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Ik promotiveer reeds jarenlang alle af-, in-, opgeschermden om dusdanig (digitaal) met hun perikelen te prijken .. . en slaag er maar niet in om deze 'be- en verscherming', het schemer en schim gebod ... eh .. gebied van vinger(vlugheden)wijzingwereld eindelijk eens voldoende tot middel voor een permaculturele oplev(er)ing kan gaan dienen
Thursday, October 31, 2019
'Ze passen de norm aan, tot het niet meer slecht is voor het milieu' | N...
allemaal diepe diepe watergaten graven voorlopig dan maar even .. de rest boomkwekerijen beginnen en de mensen die bewerem dat ons verstikstofprobleem "niet in 1 dag op te lossen is" voor lul-kut zetten middels doorlopende demonstraties van drollen bemetingen, voor en na bepoedering met verse steenmeel .. op het malie veld ... het probleem word daarmee niet "opgelost" maar zoals elke juist behandelde grondstof opgewaardeerd [grensgeval steen [[biosferiek gesproken]] legt vluchtig[[[ g]]]edrag aan intieme banden] ... omwille van deze eigen bodem verrechtsruk .. eh ... ik bedoel verrijktruuk komen inneraard parlementaire drollen in aanmeerkoning en worden tijdelijk voortouwelijk vertrouwelijk omgeleid tenzij aan van naambord voorzienigheid behoefte doen bestaat. Doen!!!!!. Douwu jullie datur effe door masjienissies? Welkom tot openbaarheid van schappelijk aanbod .. wat? Volksgenotentelers ... we schakelen schielijk naar een hele grote verschopte boodschap omdat de grootste goot eindelijk gezien mag worden en het nog altijd scherpste oog dat ik ken toch hopelijk niet tot blindheid to verbannen dient te blijven (en let niet op zu lelukke tanden, sufferd.
antwoord over de andere boeg sprak jesus to petrus: onsmakelijk hoe die over pannen vreten lalt aan het eind ... en nog onsmakelijker als je bedenkt dat de "gewenste uitkomst" bepaalt dat mensen als Martin de Vries voor pedofiel uitgemaakt word omdat daardoor de minste strubbelingen ontstaan (want werkdruk verlaging is toch het geilste wat er bestaat? daar zijn sterielu zielu bij politie en zorg[spookwit]pornose het wel over eens).
Trump's Zionist Ball & Chain, God is not a Real Estate Agent
0:00 / 1:00:08 Transcript you [Music] real estate in New York and New Jersey's deeply entrenched in organized crime and corrupt pay-to-play governments bribery and blackmail are just a normal part of state contracting there exists a concentration of zionist ideologues profiting from the gambit and using their wealth to assist a foreign government with its political aims crooks are using the state to enrich themselves and then using this wealth to further the interests of the Israeli regime and his grip over American money media and military power President Trump himself and his extended family with Charles and Jared Kushner in particular are serving the financial and ideological aims of the Israeli state controlling property predicates other revenue streams for criminality and these organized crime connections float all the way back to the Robert Kennedy assassination in Israel they say God granted them land well god is not a real estate agent real estate agents involved in state contracting and organized crime however do act like the devil the Democrats are out chasing Russian ghosts instead of nailing down these concrete criminal connections because they can't do otherwise since they are involved in the very same syndicates and the very same activities [Music] using government to enrich itself and its riches to bribe government officials a den of criminal real-estate moguls comprised a regional illegally this cabal then empowers a federal lobby on behalf of a foreign state AIPAC depends on these donors for the bulk of its power also under its wing is a who's who of organized crime without vast corporate welfare it could not continue Eric Trump report said his father's decision to bomb a Syrian Air Base was influenced by his sister Ivanka's reaction to the horrible gas attack either Ivanka fell for the atrocity propaganda that uniformly blamed Assad without motive or evidence while also ignoring precedent because we've heard these lies before or she's part of it I don't recall her being heartbroken for the dead Palestinian children or Iraqis or the thousands starving in Yemen [Music] of course none of that was on the white helmets film rolls and it would never see airtime on a Zionist mass media the fact that she's married to one of the Holocaust builder clans to Jared Kushner no less the son of a convicted felon who just got out of jail in 2006 may mean that there is an ideological dog in this fight the Israelis had recently tried to penetrate into Palmyra in mid-march of 2017 and they were repelled by the very same airbase that Trump later attacked with cruise missiles [Music] after burning bridges in New Jersey the Kushner's fought 666 5th Avenue in New York from 1.8 billion dollars the highest price paid for an individual building at the time it was a very unconventional price for such a short building the 666 at the top has been replaced with the Citigroup logo in other words a synonym C group was the largest recipient of bailouts from the 2008 housing bubble crash their corruption fits perfectly with the Kushner clan so who or what are they holocaust builders how did the Cushman clan burn bridges in New Jersey and why did Jared's billionaire father Charles the dawn of the Holocaust builders end up in federal prison plus their relationship with the State of Israel first you need to know a bit about New Jersey and organized crime the most successful mobsters don't avoid the law they work with the law God is not a real estate agent but the devil is no matter what the plan crimes are narcotics prostitution gambling or something bigger the first order of business is controlling property as researcher and writer Douglas Valentine said of the CIA in regards to Vietnam and Ukraine the first move they make is real estate they have to have a base of operations well the first thing they always do is buy a lot of property and they do this clandestinely so that they have places where they have safe houses they have places to set up organizations later on it's it's always best for them to buy real estate during times of crisis real estate itself is a very lucrative business not only in residential and commercial markets but also in infrastructure and the key to controlling that is the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and in order to get on that you've got to pay to play New Jersey is particularly susceptible to the gambit of pay to play with more than six hundred school districts and 566 municipalities and each one of these has to hire an accountant a lawyer an administrator and the physicians end up being divvied out as rewards for donations Allen Marcus the founder of the political consulting company the Marcus group told the New Yorker in New Jersey you contribute money not for access but results anybody who doesn't admit that is lying speaking of the governor of 2002 Jim McGreevey he said from day one of the McGreevy office everything became a fix again you couldn't discuss a policy issue with them they were only interested in who was the contributor and who they had to take care of the mobster John Gotti brought too much attention to himself and so did Jared cushions father Charles Kushner it's not often that a billionaire goes to but it does happen if you want to be the king of Gotham you have to control the Port Authority the Port Authority board is appointed by New York and New Jersey governor's since the chairman of the board is appointed by the New Jersey Governor as well as commissioners the way in is by gaining influence over the governor of New Jersey before moving forward I want to stress a point that members of a group engaged in ethnic nepotism or hold supremacist beliefs obviously does not mean everyone else belonging to that group shares in their belief or behavior likewise opposing such nepotism is not prejudice it's just calling a spade a spade it's not anti white for example to oppose white supremacy and it's not anti-semitic to oppose Zionism but again and again Jewish supremacist will use this canard of anti-semitism to defend what is in actuality their own prejudiced behaviors often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government people here are called anti-semitic what is your response to that as an Israeli Jew it's a trick we always use it when from Europe somebody's criticizing Israel then we bring up the Holocaust when in this country people are criticizing Israel then there are anti-semitic and the organization is strong and has a lot of money and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they're strong in this country as you know they have power which is ok the talented people and they have power money and media and other things and their attitude is Israel my country right or wrong the identification and they are not ready to hear criticism and it's very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-semitic and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jewish people and that that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians the Port Authority of New Jersey New York is Zionist occupied that is just a fact at the time of the September 11th attacks Port Authority chairman was Luis Eisenberg Heisenberg authorized the World Trade Center lease transfer to Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowry he was a partner at Goldman Sachs he's been a member of the Planning Board for United Jewish appeal and the United Jewish Federation his senior advisor at the Port Authority was Michael Glasner the southwest regional political director for AIPAC one of the long-standing and current commissioners who was appointed by McGreevy is David Steiner the former president of AIPAC the most powerful lobby in the United States David Steiner got himself into a bit of trouble in a phone conversation he was recorded saying I got besides the three billion you know they're looking for Jewish votes and I tell them whatever he wants to hear besides the 10 billion in loan guarantees which is a fabulous thing three billion in foreign and military aid I got almost a billion dollars in other goodies that people don't even know about he goes on to brag how much leverage he has and insiders he has which are key in shaping US foreign policy another commissioner who actually had a brand new job title in position that was created out of thin air and was given 150 thousand dollar salary appointed by Chris Christie is David Wildstein behind Christy's back he set up a website called politic ur which got financial support from Jared Kushner who also has the New York Observer newspaper and who is the son of Charles Kushner now son-in-law of President Donald Trump their goal was to G rail Christie and of course Weinstein pled guilty to conspiracy over Bridgegate where they shut down to the four lanes on the George Washington Bridge which caused enormous traffic problems that legislature punished the mayor of Fort Lee New Jersey for not endorsing Christie but according to Jared Kushner Zone emails with Wildstein it was a quote badass move and meant to derail Christie chris Christie of course would be the man who would prosecute Jared Kushner's father Charles govenor McGreevy's top political fundraiser was arrested today on obstruction of justice and related federal charges New Jersey based developer Charles Kushner is charged with hiring a prostitute to blackmail two witnesses in a federal investigation where he is a target State House correspondent Jim hooker has the story Kushner a major Democratic campaign contributor and political player who'd served briefly on the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and was once nominated by Governor McGreevy to head the authority's Board sat in handcuffs before a US Magistrate in federal court in Newark he's charged with attempting to intimidate witnesses in a separate probe by the US Attorney's Office involving his real estate holdings and federal campaign contributions mr. Kushner engaged in a conspiracy with co-conspirators to hire prostitutes to entice witnesses who were cooperating with the federal investigation into engaging in sex acts with those prostitutes and to have those sex acts then videotaped after the taping according to the complaint Kushner then arranged to have the tape and still pictures taken from it sent to the cooperating witnesses wife attempts to catch another witness on videotape with the prostitute failed when the witness didn't go with the woman who authorities say Kushner personally recruited from New York City after two accomplices failed to find one he paid thirty seven thousand dollars to the call girl and the accomplices the Port Authority seems to have a revolving door with Goldman Sachs and his commissioners are always getting into legal trouble or hatching financial schemes New Jersey and Newark governors who appoint the PA brass are often in the same boat so it shouldn't be shocking that the people they appoint are shady take New Jersey Governor Jim chorusing for example he was the CEO of Goldman Sachs and then MF Global which he ran into bankruptcy after using customer funds to pay creditors for silly bets he made on European sovereign-debt Corzine was a business partner of the now convicted felon Charles Kushner in an offer to buy the New Jersey Nets basketball team the governor said no when they wanted to use the state to help offset the cost for purchasing the team no was not an answer that Charles Kushner was used to especially from McGreevy who had already given 1.5 million dollars and as it turns out not only did Kushner use the carrot he also carried the stick if bribes failed there was always blackmail Kushner's favorite tactic was the honey trap what he did could be a Hollywood movie if Hollywood was interested or at least an episode of Trailer Park Boys govern McGreevy had a weakness he was a closeted homosexual on a trip to Israel McGreevy met his lover Golan Cipel at the time Jim was a mayor with aspirations to become governor s'appelle moved to America to New Jersey and his work visa was sponsored by none other than Charles Kushner for McGreevy who would later be blackmailed by the Israeli national and outed this relationship with s'appelle turned out to be a real pain in the butt was Kushner pulling the strings why Ellis disappeared a man that any settlement include a charter for the Toro College Medical School everyone knew that Kushner was a total benefactor and wanted to help fund a medical school so he could name it after his mother McGreevy had set up his lover a foreign national with a six-figure salary by appointing him to be the head of Homeland Security just a month after becoming governor he also appointed a new chairman for the Port Authority none other than Charles Kushner remember that this was in 2002 and just months prior was the horrible September 11th terrorist attacks the World Trade Centers were physically gone and the Port Authority would decide what would replace them the terrorist attack greatly benefitted New Jersey and Kushner in particular ask yourself since all those offices were destroyed where did all of those businesses go well mostly to New Jersey waterfront New Jersey got fifteen thousand four hundred new jobs and Kushner so happened to construct five million square feet of office space and the first to move was goldman sachs imagine my lack of shock I'll circle back to 911 in a bit because there's a lot here to go over moving companies the Jewish Agency loans real estate put it this way that Jared Kushner snoo York observer was the first paper in America to report the bogus lies about anthrax post 9/11 which lied about an Iraq al Qaeda connection and had notes that red death to America death to Israel should not come as a shock the Kushner's financed settlements in Israel there was an al Qaeda connection all right but it wasn't Iraq and yeah there were Middle Easterners celebrating the attack but they learned Muslim and they weren't Arab there was a New Jersey senator calling for an independent inquiry into 9/11 Robert Torricelli he stated President Bush has suggested that we hold private hearings regarding the 9/11 tragedy this is not how we conduct the government our accountability is to the people of our country yet the administration claims that such hearings would be a distraction from the war on terrorism that is not our history or how we conduct our government accountability is at the core of any representative government this nation needs an independent board of inquiry to determine the events of September 11th an investigation must be conducted by an independent board of inquiry to determine what problems need to be addressed in u.s. agencies responsible for intelligence simply leaving this inquiry to the White House and Senate intelligence committees would not provide the impartial investigation needed those committees have had continuing oversight for the very intelligence agencies they would be investigating thus they would not provide the fresh perspective an independent board would bring to the issue after doing that the kushnir New York Observer and the always loyal neocon mouthpiece the New York Times began trashing the senator was he involved in Alan G have ESI's pension scandal yeah he was after all he's a Jersey politician all of them have skeletons that's why they can be leveraged and that's why they get financed to run for office in the first place here's something interesting Jamie Foxx no relation to the actor served as his chief of staff for both Torricelli and Jim McGreevey after things went sour between Lahey and Randy and was Charles Kushner going to jail in Alabama s'appelle got a job at a PR firm mww which was started by the former New Jersey Governor Jim Israeli tomato Florio and Robert Torricelli smallworld mcgravy's first chief of staff Gary Taffet and his chief of counsel Paul Livingston both got federally investigated for selling billboards on government land and another McGreevy fundraiser was extorting contributions in exchange for the government buying land at a better price that long indictment kept mentioning a quote-unquote state official as it turned out state official was none other than the governor Jim McGreevey but despite his mountains of corruption as well as everyone around him McGreevy walked away heroically for having the courage to admit that he was a gay American hey it's America minority cards are strong forget about the millions of dollars he squandered forget about him hiring a foreign national for the Homeland Security which oversaw New Jersey's nuclear facilities forget that while his wife was in the hospital having bed rest after having labor that he was drinking jäger and having an affair in her house in her bed with his aide nope he walked away like a boss Kushner didn't fare as well he got nailed for a number of charges false tax returns false campaign finance reports and witness tampering what is the answer to the question of why a guy as savvy as Jim McGreevey meets a guy at another country for 45 minutes and brings him over here in hands over the sensitive part of his campaign tent it doesn't make sense David Twersky is at the American Jewish Congress in New York now when he was editor of the Jewish news he got to know Galan s'appelle and already knew McGreevy and was not alone in his suspicions the possibility that there was something between these two I would say through 2001 started growing on a number of people after the newspaper started raising suspicions torski says he heard certain state troopers upset about the governor's choice of joseph santiago as superintendent we're trying to gather proof of a relationship between the governor and his young aide I warned him to beware of the fact that State Police were probably driving around looking for him at night he said he was aware of that but that there was nothing to find because in fact he was not gay and not having a sexual relationship with the governor torski wrote an editorial urging on the press and public to lay off s'appelle McGreevy thanked him for it a newspaper article described the governor in s'appelle doing a walkthrough together it's Apelles new condo in West Windsor first he says Charles Kushner took the two of them to New York PR man Howard Rubenstein Kushner the dapper Don of the Holocaust builders nicknamed after the attention-seeking reckless John Gotti the most idiotic mob boss to ever graced New York built off an old developers trick to get around campaign finance laws in the New Jersey and New York City real estate world developers do a lot of dirty business so each time they start a new project they create a new company with a new name for liability purposes this way when they work with the mob or simply cheat with some scam the ordeal is separated for the main businesses kushner made a lot of projects and thus a lot of companies over a hundred in fact on behalf of these partnerships he made political contributions in other people's names without even telling them this allowed Kushner to give a lot of money and gain a lot of influence over the likes of people like Bill Bradley John Corzine Robert Torricelli and of course Jim McGreevey the great thing about egomaniacal greed rats is that you can always rely on them to turn on each other Kushner ran into trouble with his own partners one of whom was his older brother Murray Murray sued him to get full accounting on the various partnerships thinking that Charles owed him money the lawsuit did what no criminal wants it put the spotlight on Kushner which led to a u.s. investigation into his campaign financing Kushner had to pay a five hundred and eight thousand nine hundred dollar fine to the Federal Election Commission but not before going full Jerry Springer you see Kushner sister was taking his side against their older brother at first at least however her husband Billy shoulder worked for Charles and he had been messing up so Charles demoted him well then he and his wife flipped sides and the dapper Don went off the rails first he set Billie up with a honey trap here is what went down [Music] [Music] Kushner paid a high-end escort to seduce his sister's husband and sleep with him the ordeal was secretly recorded the slender blonde was given ten thousand dollars to bait and take Billy she met him outside a diner and pretended that her car had conked out she got Billy to give her a ride [Music] shoulder took the bait and ever the classy guy took her to the Red Bull and a fancy to star motel in Bridgewater stay classy Billy stay classy wait there's more kushnir then mailed the tape to his sister to intimidate them but all it did was infuriate her so top it all off Kushner also suspected his accountant Robert Yount F of being a mole for his brother he believed John Tefft was stealing documents at night and giving them to his brothers lawyers so Kushner did the same thing he hired a hooker paying another $10,000 to seduce yontiff however he resisted her charms that or she already had the money and just didn't try very hard needless to say witness tampering was added to the list of charges it's obvious that s'appelle was a setup McGreevy must have thought so too because he brought the FBI into his case at a level of disorganization worthy of a patent matt episode a man who was simply a friend as the Pels sat in on a meeting between legal teams and not knowing who he was each team thought he was for the other side you can have a lot of money and you can buy a lot of things but you can't buy class this year degree of continuous corruption spanning decades in transcending both parties shows that the Port Authority positions are basically for sale by the New Jersey and New York governments and the buyers are Zionist clans they never lose their positions because no matter how many terrible investments they make or criminal charges they get the government will bail them out because they bribe them or hold blackmail over them it's pay to play and also play or pay I hate the term elite it implies superiority these government parasites which would mean a parasite on a parasite are not talented they're not clever or smart in fact they're quite the opposite they make reckless irresponsible decisions all the time the only reason they maintain their wealth and positions is government favoritism they're given exclusive contracts that even an idiot could not screw up even then they cheat and make terrible investments costing billions and the government just bails them out they would be out of business and penniless a long time ago if not for the tax parasite the Kushner's used the housing crisis to cheaply by up twenty five thousand apartments citigroup for example whose logo replaced the 666 on Kushner's tower received four hundred seventy six point two billion dollars that's hundreds of billions nearly half a trillion dollars the American people are subsidizing no-talent criminal billionaires who simply coerce the government to keep the system in place their children also lack talent they go to some of the schools with the best reputations because they pay for it Jared Kushner and his brother were admitted to Harvard because their felon father simply paid them off author Daniel Goldin wrote a book called the price of admission which exposed a grubby secret of American higher education that the rich by their underachieving children's way into elite universities with massive tax-deductible donations it's a pretty simple scam and this is exactly what Charles Kushner did for two of his children he pledged two and a half million dollars to Harvard University in 1998 but looking at Jarrod's high school records he was less than a stellar student he didn't get into Harvard based on merits he didn't have the grades he didn't have high SAT scores but he his brother were admitted anyway on the membership list of Harvard's Committee on university resources our Charles Kushner and his wife Sarah Kushner they were both on the committee this was all after Charles Kushner had become a convicted felon Harvard still took the money and enrolled both his children Charles Kushner's corporate financial officer Marcie Plotkin who is also a certified public accountant pleaded guilty to doctoring tax returns for partnerships of Kushner's companies Kushner had bribed her with bonuses and even paid for her son's tuition also investigated was Richard stad Marr Sheryl Kushner's brother who is vice president at Kushner's companies he would be back in the news in 2016 when he and his wife as well as a Hebrew day school loaned a total of seven point eight million dollars to a hedge fund firm Platinum Partners which itself is being probed for a kickback scam and for using a shady validation firm after getting the loans Platinum's co-founder marie hubber Feld got arrested for bribing norman Seabrook the head of New York City's prison guard Union Seabrook was also nabbed stabbed Marlin hubber field used to donate to each other's family foundations with matching donations which is not that all uncommon of an occurrence for these corrupt Yankees hubber Field had resigned from his board position at the Simon Wiesenthal Center he's also a major donor for Chabad Lubavitch that believes Jews are the chosen race of God and everyone else that are just rats Charles Kushner's out of jail now and used this time in the slammer to recruit a couple of business partners yes jail was the perfect place to find his kindred back in business kosher hired two fellow convicts who were in prison for fraud both now work for Jared Kushner's company Aaron Lieber was hired in 2009 because that's when he got out of jail had been serving a seven-year sentence after he fraudulently promoted himself as a lender and mortgage broker and collected nine million dollars in advance fees while promising to obtain 2.5 billion in for dozens of projects that were never funded Richard goldich got ten years after pleading guilty to securities fraud money laundering and tax evasion back in 1998 he defrauded thousands of investors in a Ponzi scheme involving the office equipment leases an initial order in 1999 to repay the 271 million in fines the refunds was at the time the third-largest penalty ever imposed in a security fraud case so naturally he's working for the Kushner's although jared is married to Ivanka Trump ironically the Kushner's were huge Clinton supporters bill and he'll work as Gaffey as McGreevy and extremely susceptible to honey traps and of course they are the most openly pay-to-play couple to ever hold political office business tycoons work best with the compromised a PAC is as powerful as it is because of the powerful billionaires themselves state parasites who dump so much money into it the Port Authority is Zionists central that's why Steiner to disgrace to continue even as president of AIPAC can work at the Port Authority for over a decade now it's a vicious cycle just like u.s. foreign aid to Israel the Port Authority positions allow state-assisted wealth a portion of which is used to purchase political influence and continue the corporate welfare cycle while Americans were losing their homes during the housing bubble zionist clans like the Kushner's were buying up property and donating large sums to build illegal settlements in the West Bank free houses for the self-proclaimed chosen race of God the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slept in Jared Kushner's bed how many foreign heads of state spend the night at your house you want to build a wall forget about the Mexican border build it around the Port Authority they're wasting billions MA real estate devils keep a pack of float which holds American foreign policy by the short hairs which in turn waste trillions of dollars the Trump families were no strangers to corruption and politics now President Donald Trump lead the foundation of Trump Towers in Essen a concrete a firm controlled by mafia underboss Anthony Salerno of the gfs II crime syndicate back in 1981 in return the mob kept the union's away that they also control in other words racketeering not illegal since all one is doing is hiring a concrete company you can't prove how the union's per se steel might have acted and why it's not clear that Trump knew he was dealing with the Mafia or not or that Fat Tony Salerno in particular was Janov se brass however they did share the same lawyer it could also be the case of get it done and I don't want to know how Fred Trump Donald Trump's father as well as Donald Trump were buttering up New York's Mayor Ed Koch even though Donald would be butting heads with him later in the 80s the New York government royally screwed up a construction project in Central Park all they had to do was build an ice skating rink there are many problems with it though rather than using Brian water as a coolant to freeze the rink the parks commissioner elected to use freon a chemical that was later banned out of air conditioners because of its depletion of o3y ozone the concrete needed for the rinks floor was underestimated by a subcontractor and they diluted the mixture as a result one part of the rink was six inches lower than the rest leave it to government to screw up a project as easy as an ice rink while Donald Trump came to the rescue he said he could have it finished by Christmas he actually finished it by November two months ahead of schedule and seven hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars under budget he got the city to pay for the renovation and the profits were all donated to charity this really up Trump's image but it's something any developer could have done really he looks great compared to what though government government can't do anything right of course a private developer can build something better than the government the government is too worried about spreading revenues around with their friends and hires people who are completely incompetent based on nepotism a private business will go out of business if they can't at least do what they're supposed to be doing they're full of corruption sure but they generally can build things prior to saving the ice rink Donald Trump was no stranger to an organized crime in 1979 he used underpaid illegal Polish immigrants to take down the Bonwit teller department store to make way for his Trump Tower the House Records union local never lifted a finger it was later shown by the New York State organized crime task force that the Union had been controlled by the Jews no Vesey crime syndicate the same faction Trump overpaid for ready-mix concrete to build his Tower Federal Judge Charles Stewart ruled that Trump had engaged in conspiracy to violate fiduciary duty and also fraud he set damages at $325,000 the case was settled by negotiation in the agreement was sealed Trump's liaison with the Genna Vesey syndicate and Fat Tony Salerno appears to have been the mob lawyer Roy Cohn who had also been a lawyer for Starr changing Communists and Senator Joseph McCarthy understand that the New York mob syndicates in the federal government have had a relationship for many decades at first because the Mafia's narco business supply side was funding anti-communist militias including KTM and later anti-castro Cubans after that they had the same gambit for paying the Contras and even al-qaeda then called freedom fighters and currently relabeled as moderate rebels aside from salerno mr. cohen's clients included fellows like Paul Castellano carmine Galante a G of se hitman and cop killer as well as the infamous John Gotti of the Gambino crime family Trump did business with the Gambino family too in his book the art of the deal Trump describes how in 1987 he bought 93% of the voting stock and Resort International a hotel casino company this we paved the way for Trump to set up a legal gambling operation in Atlantic City New Jersey after the Mafia lost Cuba de Castro and their casinos were shut down they built up Las Vegas largely from the Teamsters pension fund organised by Jimmy Hoffa in the Chicago Outfit the New York families pushed their operations into Los Angeles and also New Jersey Atlantic City was born in the 70s New Jersey never really had the allure that Las Vegas said though Resorts International was an outgrowth of the Mary Carter paint company an old CIA front set up by Allen Dulles that was involved in real estate deals with Meyer Lansky and a merger with Crosby Miller which had been acquired by three-term governor of New York Thomas Dewey do you notice a pattern here between government the Mafia and real estate Trump's biggest customer in Atlantic City was Bablu booty the booty was a racehorse swindler and a John Gotti underling he was caught on tape and her probe referring to Gaudi as his boss he ended up being banned from all of New Jersey's casinos the Gambino's were running booking operations in Atlantic City Trump's casino was fined 450,000 for gifting the booty three Ferraris three rolls-royce two Bentley's and a Mercedes at least he has good taste in cars but when probe Trump didn't recognize booties name and said he hardly knew him another now billionaire friend of trumps is Vince McMahon the owner of World Wrestling Entertainment formerly called the World Wrestling Federation or WWF in the early days of Pro Wrestling the industry was floundering Vince made an all-or-nothing wager on WrestleMania essentially inventing pay-per-view it was a huge success and became an annual event Trump helped solidify the WWF by bringing WrestleMania four and five to Atlantic City in 1988 and 1989 Vince's wife Linda McMahon is now part of the Trump administration serving as the head of his Small Business Administration not that she isn't qualified she probably is well seated next to Donald Trump in the front row of WrestleMania four was Bob LaBute II the mobster Trump hardly knew whose name he couldn't recognize as a side note if you're interested in the mobs relations with pro wrestling look up the story of Ricky dozin which involves the Yakuza one of the bushes and ends in a bathroom stabbing the syndicate now owns a baseball team the Japanese mafia was also deep into the mixed martial arts organization called pride whose fighters were gobbled up by the US as UFC after Pride went under the UFC was itself run by gambling giants who recently sold it off for four billion dollars but I like the UFC and WWE so I'm not gonna say anything bad about them plus those aren't the kind of guys you want to piss off also of the Gambino syndicate was drug trafficker Joseph Weizenbaum already convicted of two felonies embezzlement and car theft Joseph still got a job from none other than Donald Trump and so did his brother they were to fly helicopters to transport high rollers to in from Atlantic City's casinos that's just what you want to give a cocaine smuggler a helicopter he flew them for three years until in 1985 he got his third felony when he was busted moving 3/4 of a ton of marijuana the case was moved to Judge Mary Ann berry of New Jersey formerly known as Mary Ann Trump Donald Trump's sister she recused herself but Trump wrote a letter to the replacement judge and Jolie ended up getting the light sentence of three years despite it being his third felony while in jail his girlfriend bought two adjoining apartments and Trump Towers that's called a legal payoff there's more art smugglers loan sharks more racketeers it's overkill the press is so desperate to link the president to Russia but doesn't explore the Italian and Jewish mob ties right under their nose and that's because the Democrats are in an even deeper for Ivanka Trump to Mary ultra Zionist Jared Kushner It was as if Tinh New York and New Jersey major real estate wings of organized crime just unified through marriage Trump's lawyer and mafia liaison wasn't the only leftover McCarthyite with a history tied to the mob Roy Cohn as McCarthy's chief counsel brought a young man into the fold as an unpaid consultant named Gerard Sheen and they took a tour of Europe together they even appeared on the cover together of CD Jackson's time Life magazine titled as McCarthy and his men koan was homosexual of course he denied Sheen was his lover Roger stone who was a campaign adviser to Donald Trump worked with Cohen and he said Roy was not gay he was a man who liked having sex with other men gays are weak effeminate he always seemed to have these young boys around well I can't agree with stones odd stereotype about homosexuals but I'm pretty sure cones sexuality is clear and like McGreevy or Hoover being a closeted homosexual is something that can be exploited his lover Sheen was the Jewish heir to a hotel chain out of Chicago Girard David Shane's father Junius Meyer seen on the Ambassador Hotel where Robert Kennedy was murdered the hotel had allowed Jewish mobster Mickey Cohen to run a gambling operation out of it which is odd since Sheen was a close personal friend of J Edgar Hoover the director of the FBI she known the Miami Beach Gulfstream hotel where Edgar Hoover and his lover Clyde Tolson would vacation over Christmas for free aside from gambling Mickey Cohen liked Kushner was big into sexual blackmail especially of Hollywood celebrities Cohen had been sent over by New York mobster Meyer Lansky along with babyface Bugsy Siegel to the West Coast territories Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello it is widely known had incriminating photos of Hoover engaging in oral sex on the beach attorney General Robert Kennedy paints a grim picture of the rise of lawlessness under the Cosa Nostra or mafia this he describes as the government of organized gambling narcotics peddling extortion racketeering and controlling of certain trade ujin's he says the income runs into billions Robert Kennedy prosecuted Cohan and sent him to Alcatraz he was the only prisoner ever bailed out of Alcatraz and his bond was signed by Chief Justice Earl Warren who was later made the face of the Warren Commission which investigated the assassination of JFK interestingly the senior counsel Warren Commission staffer responsible for looking into the backgrounds of Lee Harvey Oswald and Chicago mobster Jacob Rubenstein or Jack Ruby to ensure they both acted alone was Albert II dinner an anti Kennedy corporate lawyer for Henry Crown of Chicago 13 years before JFK was shot the crowd and sheen families had United through marriage when Henry's son Lester married Myra Sheen's daughter Renee who is Gerrard Sheen's sister the crown family owned controlling shares of the dallas-fort worth heiress to fence company General Dynamics Lyndon Johnson pushed for a multi-billion dollar defense contract for the tf-x 111 fighter jet that Kennedy and McNamara cooked up before his assassination to go to General Dynamics by all accounts Boeing had the better bid for the plane but it was given to the crown family business for political reasons for details on that can of worms get my book the separation of business and state Johnson's advisor was Bobby Baker who was investigated for bribery and for arranging sexual favors for congressmen in exchange for votes for government contracts you see what Kushner did was nothing new Bobby bakers activities started to unravel when a bug in the Las Vegas fairmont hotel office of another Lansky associate at Livingston picked up references to Baker but because it involves so many prominent people the investigation was limited and inquiries into Johnson were dropped in 1963 and Baker was charged with tax evasion the Kennedy assassinations requires separate films suffice it to say this triangle between big business organized crime and government spans back many decades General Dynamics crown family has always been loyal to Israel the Jewish sympathy orchestra plays in the Henry crown Hall in Jerusalem but Israel does like to name a forest or Street or some other dedication to political figures in the United States like James Jesus angleton or white Rothschilds are on their money organized crime is international and Zionist gangsters have state assistance it gives them a huge advantage over other ethnic gangs in 2016 my coca fell joined me on the ANC podcast to talk about disinformation and guilt by association and he also talked about the crown family and some of their modern associates I don't know if you've heard of charge Fisher and he was CEO for Motorola and Motorola is controlled by the crown family who are the new kagu Jewish mob and backers of Obama and Fisher himself was Henry Kravis a senior adviser Kravis was the co-founder of Kravis Kohlberg and Roberts and that led to the creation of leveraged buyouts which stripped more than a trillion dollars out of American companies and then the June a Jewish mob charges Motorola in the 60s to be able to compromise security for communication provided by Motorola apparently all first responder communications in the u.s. was provided by Motorola and so and you know whether they're targeted by BDS to buy BDS yeah motorola hewlett-packard in in caterpillar there are no billionaires without the state cronyism is rampant but that's how you climb the ladder in the business world or in politics through corruption and collusion with state power listen taxing or printing money to award it to companies who contribute part of the money you extracted from the productive part of society back to you or contribute to you through a Lobby like a PAC is not an act of genius it doesn't require talent or cleverness either it's just robbery floating the budgets of perpetually irresponsible gamblers thus allowing them to buy up media and more politicians isn't a sane fiscal policy and the cycle can only be sustained for as long as people are kept in the dark about it it can only remain in the dark for as long as people fear telling it like it is because of the canard of anti-semitism look it's not the Illuminati or Bavarians polluting politics it's a cabal of state-assisted Jewish Zionist billionaires using the state to maintain their wealth and in turn using the wealth to control politicians they use bribery and blackmail and promote the compromised the names and information-packed in this film are only a tiny fraction of the endless corruption and you won't hear any specifics from this blowhard Alex Jonestown who himself married a call girl and says prayers for the Prime Minister of Israel on his radio show people's will and to start a war of they have to or even kill Trump and Netanyahu and you name it to keep their world government project afloat we are in the middle of the greatest crisis humanity has ever seen it's time to pray all right having father please help us open our eyes please help us be good we're so sorry for all the abortions of all the evil in our name please protect the children please reprieve us Imogen ear well please somehow stop the evil forces that are trying to stop this miracle that you've given us please help there be peace in the Middle East please stop those who are trying to overthrow Israel and start with Austria bring it on again please give a collectivists who complain sinus ideologues with the Jews in general that's the opposition they want Sian ism is a parasite and a cancer it's not good for Jewish people and it's a lot bigger than Palestine occupation these neo-cons created the Iraq war and the war in Syria refugees aren't a side effect there are premeditated weapon it goes back longer than just 9/11 I'm working on a JFK dock that's when they really got their claws in the u.s. from Dallas Texas the flash apparently official Kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time [Music] do you want to break the cycle then join me we've got to clean up the Port Authority and if you live in New Jersey or New York you've got to get active in state politics step one is sunshine and at Antonia Kahn's our aim is just that truth cost far less than lies paint to town the message is clear we'll never be free until we end all aid to Israel [Music]