Friday, February 28, 2025

ATW Live on Monday 2/17/2025

pre-s: twice as many posts as last year here already .... my other blogs are lots busier btw

28/02 --- 2Warrior -- -- k236 --- 22/08: {lot}

i added a few '+'es to the top threads of 636 comments .. none of them noted what i noted some time ago:

2 MB - 407 pages -

follow up to the last batch ending mid22 .. a merge of 3 major topic stands -1: JEWRY [zionism, an amalgam of teuto-jew, russo-jew and ami-jew .. which i've taken to nicking 'kommisars' when i mean all of them] -2: GENDERY and 3: PharMafiy
KEYWORDS: curing kommisars zionists nazis neocons disintermediate cropittallism

Vance said 'kommisars' ... kek .. hi hihi.

 ATW Live on Monday 2/17/2025
Racket News
37.6K subscribers
35,154 views  Streamed live on Feb 18, 2025
No description has been added to this video.


10 days ago
As a Scot (who lives in Scotland) I really cannot see what on earth people are complaining about in Vance's speech. He was absolutely correct.
10 days ago
Walter's description of the brave police breaking down the door just in time to stop the monster from pressing "post" on the latest racist cartoon he had been developing was hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚
10 days ago
Free speech is a weapon, a weapon against tyranny.
10 days ago
Everyone's for free speech until they hear something they don't like. The GOP are no different from the DNC in this regard.
10 days ago
 @pitchforkparty - MAGA are not the neocons.
10 days ago (edited)
 @pitchforkparty Youโ€™re not supposed to post non Trump worship on this hype cast.
10 days ago
9 days ago
And guns Europe already gave that up unfortunantly.
9 days ago
โ€‹ @pitchforkparty  How are they no different? Examples?
10 days ago
The speech from VP Vance was like mana from heaven. I got so pumped from hearing from a politician with the guts to stick it to the corrupt establishement elites.
10 days ago
Funny that he didn't mention one country that Americans or Europeans aren't allowed to criticize or protest. Even in America with our garauntee of free speech and right to assembly and protest, there's this cut out for one particular country.

I very much appreciated Vance throwing the EUs hypocrisy in their smug faces. But it still felt partly shallow when Vance isn't even sticking to the values that he denigrated Europe for abandoning
10 days ago
 @acetate909  Huh?...Wut? You are going to have to explain that. You do understand that we can't read you mind. You will have to use your words.
Which countries? Which values have Vance violated? You are going to have to be more specific.
10 days ago
โ€‹ @Zayphar
My post was nuked when I I named the country. It's strange that you can't figure it out by thinking about it for less than a minute. Is ri el
10 days ago
 @acetate909  Why would any American criticise the Israeli government? They are our closest ally in the Middle-East.
10 days ago
โ€‹ @Zayphar
Lol...sure they are.
10 days ago
 @Zayphar this is satire, right?
10 days ago
Thing is, there are reasons to criticise the Israeli govt, and reasons to criticise other Middle Eastern governments. US support a number of them and other actors in the region.
Criticise them all. JD may disagree but I like to think he'd support your right to say so...
But yes, difficult when related comments are being nuked...
10 days ago
 @BannedPhotoshop  No. No satire. I have travelled to Israel half a dozen times. When I was in the Navy we did exercises with the Israeli Navy. I have never known a finer and more noble people than the Israelis. I know them well, and have known their goodness and greatness. I am proud to call the Israelis the allies of America.
9 days ago
 @acetate909 agree ,where is the free speech for college students protesting against a genocide or any criticism of Israel is called antisemitism which Sadly Matt or Walter never cover .i do like these guys but i feel Matt has been programmed by Walter because he is and can be very intimidating Iโ€™m sure
9 days ago
 @Zayphar ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
10 days ago
Walter Kirn's performance in this podcast should be awarded an oscar, an emmy, and a tony for the best performance by a serious journalist in a comedic interpretation.
10 days ago
1:29:50 - We moved out of CA for this reason.  AOC and others on Twitter after the general election in 2020 said they might want to "re-educate" Trump voters and so we weren't sticking around in a county and state that didn't give AF about keeping people locked down for almost 2 years.
10 days ago
Here's a thought: Reimagine The Emperor Who Had no Clothes, but in it nobody believed him when he spoke his mind. The boy becomes a young adult and now more and more people are going to the same tailor to get their invisible clothing as well. He writes a pamphlet about the fraud the tailor is committing, but he tailor uses his connections to have him thrown into jail for a week, given a hefty fine, and his pamphlet is banned.
10 days ago
Thank god we have the bill of rights and constitution. Iโ€™ll go out in the blades of glory defending it. Hope to god enough Americans have that sentiment
10 days ago
Vance's speech was awesome
10 days ago (edited)
This whole thing has made me far more libertarian than I'd ever wanted to be. I fully understand the rabid anti big government position. Im also bizarrely proud of this new admin....and especially JD Vance for essentially stating American sentiment on Democracy and free speech daring anyone to subvert it
10 days ago
Vance was pretty clear on the campaign trail that this was his passion project, it was even his closing remarks during the VP debate. This didnโ€™t come out of nowhere.
10 days ago
I'm starting to think that the only difference between U-topia and DYS-topia will be the direction the guns are pointed. ๐Ÿ˜ข
10 days ago
Being a German immigrant (since โ€˜83) this is highly disturbing
10 days ago
Omg. The Nazi interviewed by 60 min with the glasses . Wasnโ€™t he in Raiders of the Lost ark?  Whose face melted at the end
10 days ago
That speech by J.D. Vance gave me hope. I have literally during sleep been having dystopian dreams for a year.
10 days ago
I literally grabbed my head when the "60 Minutes" clips were played. To me, it's more the intonation of the narrator's voice that's stunning: she's positively thrilled at the prospect of the literal Thought Police coming to citizens' homes, ARMED, to punish them for thoughts and/or words deemed by some arbitrary metric to be "offensive." A greater affront to liberal, Western values couldn't be made more obvious, and yet, here we are. If I played a side-by-side film clip of Winston and Julia, stark naked, saying, "We are the dead" before the apartment's windows are smashed in and they're confronted, there'd be basically no difference when compared to the German footage. And CBS is urging us to WANT this.
10 days ago
It must be a trip to hear Walter raising cain in the next room or down the hall.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Dyab Abou Jahjah legalist warcrime batteleur

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Psychology of Israeli Propaganda

some guy who does 'dragtherapy' in amsterdam theaters .... goes down into the stomachpit of the dumbed

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

roerloos en reddeloos nederland

als eerlijk zijn over armoede oorzaken al niet lukt hoe moet het dan met ingewikkelder biocidaliteiten????????

Hebt U mischien een gaatje voor een draadje?

30/8 ---------- 1Moon ------- k209 -- 08/02 : : [LOT] --- 18/9 : [CTC]

#valuedi&dissolution2wokebroke due 2 #soggyzoggyfunDSlop dietrules, roulettes, rulers and rulings ... let me see if i hit this hi note/mark in Dutch:

#SLinkseKerkFonds == #SLinkseOorlogZucht = #armoedeSkoorZaakNumberWant #SchietZo
== smoor de prooi in eigen vuil == psiegelbekentenis
#SchietZoOpVreeNie == [VeelTe]Ver HeeNie TerugWeg GeenNie
#SlinksGebedZonderTerugWeg == BEZOPEN: #nietRechts-MaarSlinksGeldigHeden #verwaterenAllesVanWaarde ........ en ZIJN #waardenVerwaterRING BoosdoenDINNEN die #alleenHeersHekserij in #HogereKrengKringen bedrijven ... maar treurt niet .. .. #HeerSapPinnenOnderElkaar ... de 'allOutOfClouts' KrabBINNEN kunnen helemaal niet beklijven. AlTeHogeKanselaressen lessen geen wetensdorst en gewetensdorst al helemaal nie ... ZeSchrappenZichAf
my entire commentarian career and surfnotes/links 1990s to present [unrenumerated, w direct responses diminishing as counterproductively distorted echoing swelled]

9 pdfs as of march 2021 ......... a total of 7917 [margin to margin A4 size] pages

 - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš --- 832 pages ... 4books in1

pRECAP - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -
close or closed, cringe or clarity, a cadance ..... about a spare time friend, teacher, sustitute father and spontaneity extremist .. not to mention eyebrow raising wild success
Zieik = p205 - p335 = 2014 to beginning of 2019
Zieik = p336 - p254 = thru to end 2021
Zieik = p255 - p520 = 2022 down to 13th of june


-- love of listing and design [arts and gardens] .. gradation, graduation .. inclination / declination ... smoothery softerism ... gradualization .. classification [phys and ment]
-- -- ancient fertility pragmatism eroded to hollow and all too personal[ized / IZed] rites

-- -- -- PERSONAL: 'fight' squirts, death deals ['bestrijdings- en verdelgingsmiddel] and suffering demografixed indecency [trilingual portion - page 267 to 520]
-- -- -- GENERAL: the first global biowarfare testrun and protocolistic powergrub

-- -- -- -- -- picking up the spiritual threads from part 1 after said very dark descents :: x :: JA - installment .. reaches to 26/7 / 22 -- 5dog -- k70 ---- 2mag

The Timelines in this compilation
 - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- ::

PART 1: fertility gods, measures and pitfalls
== copied off my JA [the syncretist] pile =
=== p5 - P55 == 2013 [feb 2nd] to 2019 [13th of oct]

taken off my main note pile =
===== p56 - p72 == late 1990s to 2019

premierin' =
=======  p153 - p184 == 2020
======== p184 - p204 == 2021

PART 2: Zieik == 2014 - 2022 down to 13th of june

PART 3: Covid notes == 2020

PART 4: more notes on syncretists =
p592 - p832 == 2020 to early 2022

PAGE NUMBERS โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš
Cernunnos STRAGGLIES = 2 runs [blue bg and green bg]
== from JA pile === p5 - P55 [2013 feb 2nd] to 13th of oct 2019
from main stack == p56 -  p72 from late 90s - p152 = 2019]
Cernunnos PROPER = p153 - p184 = 2020
 - :: + :: -X- :: + = p184 - p204 = 2021 =  last entry 20th of dec - k111
Zieik = p205 - p354 = to end 2021: 30th of dec / 365 :: 157 / k121
Zieik = p255 - p520 = 2022 down to 13th of june
Glyphosate = from p428 forwards [quotes mostly]
Covid notes minus quotes [see [Mixer-Uppers' for those]
 p521 - p591 = 2020 = 25th of jan -- 25th of nov 330doty :: k86
JA = p592 - p655 = 2020 = starting halfway: 25th of june :: k88
:::::::: p656 - p832 = 2021 = to early22 :: 3rd of april -- k215 ---

โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš โœš  OLDER synopsis VERSION:

alt title: the art of stirring [up] rock .. it's all in the 'mix'
Grids, Sieves n Filters (parts 1&2) .. Powders, Pastes [Part 2], Potions and Poisons [Part 3&4] ..... more griddery [part 5]...

PART ONE  - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -
 grids of savant calendarisms and, less abstract, just short of reflexivity, pragmatic 'almanacian' at handness. In short, grids vs sieves ....

PART TWO  - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -
Cernunnos and Samudra Manthan [directly related]
PAGE 57 TO 153 = deviltry and rulership thru the ages between the vedics and the pagans --
 on the 'empty' / tabood and poopooed place where you get to sweep grits great and small [those identifiable as gaian bone portruding from gaian green skin from 'fallen' practice] clean 'away' [into life's braid of dust, water and sun via compost, ideally]

PART THREE  - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -
THE TRILINGUAL 'heartยด /portion of this file':

prose about my personal tragedy and how it fits in at various levels of intimacy [on which i am  a world expert so far ahead of the rest that the distasteful thing i have to look forward to is a type of GWebb vs BMalone [m/i/f]ire exchange .... ---------- my most dramatic writing yet ... anecdotes and notes as i wend myself this way and that, looking for detox after months of psychosomatic paralysis during which the poison settled deep into my less than perfectly fit tissues [and cringe crass trashcrash leading up to it]------------------------
PART THREE B ::::::::: page 468: on Glyphosate [QUOTAGE MOSTLY], penultimate 'inoculant before all out, full on CareScare Mafiya Queen Covid makes WorldPowerGrab [or, yet another banking centralization as market cornering rather than opening attempt, written about much{, ..} earlier]

||| 3sprachich ||| ----tri-lingual---- ||| --3talig-- |||
||| Glyphosat ||| GLYPHOSATE ||| Glyfosaat |||

GERMAN: seiten 267 bis 520 ueber Glyphosat
in 3 Sprachen [abwechselnd, nit uebersetzt]

ENGLISH :::: pages 267 to 520 on glyphosate
 :: IN 3 languages [alternatingly, not translated]

DUTCH ::::::: paginas 267 tot 520 over glyfosaat
:::::: 3 talig [afwisselend, niet vertaald]

PART FOUR  - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -
page 521 retraces to 2020 and begins [a Citations minimized version of] my remarks on the Covidian Cult [full version in neighbouring file 'siblinked' to semitological and genderistic ponderments]

PART FIVE == 4TH VOLUME ON VOLUM VOTAN  - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - from mid20 forwards to halfway 2022 --------------- page 592 to end [p832 - black bg ends p655, 2021 begins on the next page .... one more bg color change at p713 halfway '21
:: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - โœš=โœš=โœš=โœš=โœš 3 files cover earlier notes and quotes on worldview shapers, cosmologists and syncretists [+adjacent 'soupchukkts'] ::x:: :: x :: the concept of kindred stretched and 'gradualized' into classes and categories, lists and diagrams ... much of it via Jose Arguellles / Valum Votan, an eclectic syncretist / art historian / calendar reformer whose late remoniker was Valum Votan

It's Time To Ban Glyphosate

4.94K subscribers
Take Action: Tell your state lawmakers that you want them to ban Monsantoโ€™s Roundup weedkiller ๐Ÿ‘‰ GLYPHOSATE is the active ingredient in Roundup, the most used herbicide in the world. Independent research suggests glyphosate causes cancer and diseases. Glyphosate degrades soils and contaminates air and waterways. Worldwide, 8,6 billion Kilograms of glyphosate have been sprayed on fields since 1974. Enough to spray half a pound of Roundup on every cultivated acre of land in the world. Its effects on biodiversity equate to chemical warfare. Farmers are the most exposed to glyphosate, while consumers unknowingly ingest Roundup's petrochemical additives. In 2022, Bayer/Monsanto paid $11 billion to settle 100,000 Roundup lawsuits. [There are still 30,000 lawsuits pending]. To protect people & planet, some governments want to ban glyphosate. But pressure from corporate-controlled lobbyists and farmer organizations often prevents the phasing out of glyphosate. Take Action: Tell your state lawmakers that you want them to ban Monsantoโ€™s Roundup weedkiller ๐Ÿ‘‰

Monday, March 20, 2023

Daniel Padim tune on 12-string by Calvin Cowell

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The People vs. Agent Orange - History Film Forum
 The People vs. Agent Orange | History Film Forum
National Museum of American History
28.7K subscribers
4,148 views  Jun 25, 2021
The History Film Forum is an online series from the Smithsonian that explores history on the screen and the evolution of film as public history.  

Nearly 60 years following the use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War the devasting aftereffects of the toxin remain lethal, demanding attention both in Vietnam and here at home. This film follows two activists, Tran To Nga and Carol Van Strum, as they take on the chemical industry and demand for accountability deadly legacy caused using this poison herbicide in their respective communities.  

Frank Blazich, Curator at the Smithsonianโ€™s National Museum of American History is joined by the film directors Alan Adelson and Kate Taverna and activist Carol Van Strum for a conversation focusing on how the film was made and the story it tells.

Presented by Smithsonian Associate and the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History through the generous support of Dan Manatt and Democracy Films.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Train Derailment in East Palestine Ohio, White Noise, Toxic Chemicals & ...

a 24 video playlist lacks this one as of yet ....

hell on eartth 3 (see rocksoiler for 1&2 ... ps: my nixed channel)
Updated 2 days ago

Train Derailment in East Palestine Ohio, White Noise, Toxic Chemicals & Other Derailments

11.6K subscribers
What is happening with these train derailments? We had 3 in one day it seems and the one in East Palestine, Ohio looks incredibly dangerous. Reporters have been arrested trying to cover the derailment and "burn" of the hazardous chemicals. There seems to have been some predictive programming with the @Netflix White Noise film that was shot the year prior in the SAME locations. Some of the folks from Ohio who were extras in the Netflix film ended up living the script in real life! Norfolk Southern seems to have been aware of the problems and decided to cut corners anyway. With the substations, farm burnings, balloon incidents and more it seems like there is more to the story here. I am interested in hearing your thoughts! Sources: